• Slide 1
  • Slide 2Middle spotted woodpecker (Marco König)
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6

A LIFE+ Project for Kottenforst and Ville

Ancient oak forests, enchanted ponds, the drumming of woodpeckers during the day and the shadows of bats at night – a unique landscape and a part of the European natural heritage

A project for the oak forest

Eichen-Hainbuchenwald im Frühling

The oak hornbeam forests in the Kottenforst and the Ville hills are an example for a rare and highly endangered forest habitat type in Europe. EU and NRW are funding a nature conservation project to preserve our forest biodiversity.

The project

Discover the Ville Forests


Do you know the Ville Forests in the Western region of Germany between Cologne and Bonn? Do you want to learn more about the natural habitats and the wildlife? Please join us for a tour through this unique forest landscape.

 Discover the Ville Forests


Umweltministerium NRW LogoLIFE LogoNatura 2000 LogoBiostation Bonn Rhein-Erft LogoWald und Holz NRW Logo